Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello lovers,

This week has been extremely unmotivated. *sigh*

I did shoot a 90's music video for a new friend's song. Roller skating. And I did not fall on my ass. Hopefully, I'll get the video soon and get to post it's fantastic-ness for you all. I met a lot of cool new people and spent time in Venice for the first time. Yippee! 

I did not reformat my resume, or get head shots printed. I did spend a night in a bar singing Take My Breath Away at karaoke which was amazing. I had one awkward audition with a guy that reminded me of my great uncle. And, tonight, I'm probably skipping out on seeing a double feature of From Here to Eternity and The Search because, well, I don't feel like showering and putting on something that makes me look presentable. Not that there is anything wrong with men's shirts and jeans. I love this look. It's comfy. No wonder men seem to like being men.

I'll have plenty of time to reformat my resume tonight if I stay in. At this point the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica might as well be in Ohio. It feels so far away.

I guess this week finally caught up to me. Some days LA feels overwhelming. Some days I want someone to share this experience with and other days I feel like I do not need the distraction. But hell, I'm still a baby. I should not have anything to worry about. But seriously, I feel like I need to at least get my resume done tonight...and maybe some laundry...

LAism of the Week:

SO much to do! SO little time!
Screenings of all the old classics, several times a week. New movies out all the time. Working. Meeting people. Reading. Hiking. Classes. Art Museums. Galleries. Concerts everywhere and even the amateurs sound better than the auto-tuned shit on the radio. (not to down top 40, love it!) It all makes you feel like you should be doing something every second of every day. Learning stuff AND things. It also makes you want to drink and sleep and sit. LA as a city is big, bold and beautiful, and overwhelming. Everyone tells you you're the best, and I'm starting to think it's just because they want me to stay and spend money on their classes, their concerts, their exhibitions, their movies. Not to sound like a downer, I love it here. I'm not moving anytime soon. But this week LA's isms have me overwhelmed.

Tomorrow: Head shots. (FOR FREE! O YEA!)
Goal: Get a good shot that makes me look like the girl next door/best friend

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