Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Chirstmas!! And then some.

Hello Lovers!

I don't have too much to post about acting wise. Good news though! I was cast in a trailer (hopefully feature) where I will be playing the nurse one of the main characters falls in love with. O yea. Flirty eyes from across a room are my specialty! (Duh, I got the part. And constant attention at bars...just kidding. I'm so lonely!)

HOME played a gig a few Fridays ago at Kulak's Woodshed in North Hollywood. The venue was sweet and there was a live stream of our concert online. If I would have known ahead of time I would have advertised it a little more so my Ohio friends could have watched us live! AH! Next time. Here is a little peak of us at Kulak's.

Dee (our lead singer) is producing a webseries about HOME. Yay! I will definitely post links to that when it is ready to launch. I might even tweet about it. 

In other news, my brother Aaron got married on Sunday! Say What?! Yes. Aaron is married. I don't think it has sunk in quite yet. The wedding was beautiful. I was so happy to be there and witness Aaron and Hannah's love in action. I have not gotten to spend a lot of time with my sister-in-law, but the kids are most assuredly in love. And it was an excuse to get the Leow Trio together. (Yes, we record music together. Check out our band page by clicking our name.)

The Leow Trio
I miss my brothers a lot.

LAism of the Week:
LA was voted the #1 rudest city in America this year by Travel+Leisure.When I heard this on NPR, I was not surprised. If working at a Coffee Bean did not teach me this, I don't know what would have. The people stumbling in at 5am for their first sip of precious caffeine were not the worst offenders. It was the housewives, industry types, and just plain entitled that came in after dropping off the kids or on the way to work. I was having a discussion with a fellow bridal party member about how nice people in Seattle are when I realized really how rude residents of LA can be. I feel like I could write and write on this subject, but instead of working myself up, I just want everyone to take a moment and realize we are all humans. We are all coming from somewhere. Maybe traffic was bad and now this person is worked up because he/she is late (always in LA) Or, their pet just passed away, or said person got into a fight with his/her significant other. If we all treated each other with respect and tried to really understand one another, America wouldn't have any rude cities.

Friday, December 6, 2013

We've Got that Holiday Feeling

Hello Friends and Lovers!

The holidays are upon us! Happy Thanksgiving last week! I had a "Friendsgiving" with my fellow Sierra Crest residents. I made the mashed potatoes. I should have taken a picture of the massive pan I had filled with potatoes, but I had too much wine. Ooops. Still turned out non-poisonous.
I also attended a Hanukkah party with some SoulCycle people. It was delicious! And I'd never been to a Hanukkah party before. 

My last few weeks has been surprisingly busy acting-wise.

I was on the Mindy Project! LOOK! It's my legs!

AND my whole body!

Stole the show, I know!

In other news: I have links! LINKS LINKS LINKS!

Remember a few months ago I was in a 7 minute short that was done all in one take? You don't? Well I did! And here it is!

My leading man also has a fun YouTube series on SoulPancake. Check out one of his episodes of Science of Happiness

I also got the link to the L Word campaign video! Watch the video, sign the petition. Warning: Contains hilarious lesbian themed humor.

Other than having some footage for yous guys I had a few auditions and one call back in the last few weeks. Notably, an improv audition where I got to play the role of a young Charlie Parkhurst. If you've never heard of him, GOOGLE IT. I'm serious! What an interesting story. I'll leave it up to you though.

I'm glad auditions have picked up a bit. I just need to find a couple good clips to add to my reel and I'll be ready for pilot season. All I need now is all the money in the world so I can go to some casting director workshops or agent "meet ups" and get my foot in the door somewhere.

I'm currently, at this moment, preparing for an audition in an hour for a play version of the Diary of Anne Frank. I'm auditioning for her older sister, Margot. Wish me luck!

LAism of the Week:

I'm in class with the guy in the blue boxers second on the right.

10 hour rehearsal day then a 12 hour shoot day! A good prep for the Christmas season!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Woeful Lack of Credits

Hello my friends!

The reason I haven't been writing the last few weeks is because I have almost nothing to write about. I had strep throat. Yuck. Katie Yak Attack was here for her birthday...unfortunately during the strep throat. That didn't prevent us from rocking some karaoke to celebrate though. The show must go on I always say.

Last week was AFI Fest!! The most wonderful time of the year! Here in LA on Hollywood and Highland every year American Film Institute puts on a film festival showing old movies, new movies, foreign movies, new auteurs, scary midnight movies etc etc etc. And it's ALL FREE!! One has to reserve tickets OR stand in long lines, but it is so much fun. There is so much energy and Dotty and I got to see movies we probably would not have seen anywhere else. We saw In Bloom a Georgian coming of age movie. Beautiful. I don't know much about Georgian culture, but this was a great peek. My favorite film we saw was The Congress. Starring Robin Wright. It was truly brilliant. I am serious. If you have a chance to see this film see it. So inventive. I have never seen anything like it. It has been two an a half weeks since I have seen it, and I'm still thinking about what if the industry turned into THAT. The technology is there. It could happen. See it!

Last week, due to over work and a date that went till 3:30 am in a karaoke bar (I can't get enough karaoke!) I was so exhausted. I have not been submitting for student films on LA Casting for months now, but also have not been auditioning. No offense to the students out there trying to learn their craft, but some of the student film scripts I have read are simply horrendous. There was one last year I read where the lead character moved to LA from Texas and had been here 3 months. Her controlling boyfriend wanted her to move back to Texas, so in a night after a fight with him, she has sex with her agent. Of course, her boyfriend shows up on her doorstep the next morning while the agent is still there. She tells her boyfriend the agent raped her. The boyfriend kills the agent and then the girl and the boyfriend have sex next to his dead body....needless to say, I did not go to this audition. First of all, what 20 year old comes up with a story like that (watching too many Russian films). Second of all, HOW in the world is a student film production going produce a story like this well?! I have been eager to work though, so last week I started submitting for student films that seemed like I could at least use them on a reel. I had three auditions and did not go to any. The scripts were awful. The one audition, I had barely any lines to say, I was just going to act while my boyfriend forced me to play Russian roulette. What? I wouldn't have been able to use any of the footage. Then of course, I felt guilty that I had opportunity to work and didn't take it. *sigh* Catch 22s all over this industry. And I'm not even in the industry yet.

After a disappointing week career-wise last week, I had an audition for a country rock music video yesterday. I got to play my violin! LOVE! I walked in and they asked if they could play the track and could I play along. YES! My specialty! I think it went pretty well. From looking at some of the other girls there, I should/could have dressed a little sexier. High waisted jeans, my hobbit shoes, and a country looking shirt from Old Navy wasn't the most tittilating outfit choice. They said to dress country. That was my version. O well.

I also did some ADR work for the short where I licked a girl's face that was filmed a few months ago. My first ADR experience! For those of you who don't know, ADR is voice over. So I had to re record my lines from the short over the video of myself. It was fun. Also a little difficult. It's hard to get the same feeling you had when acting it in a room months later. Hopefully, I'll have that footage to show you guys soon. It's short, but sweet.

This weekend we have a shoot for HOME. My band. We're producing a webseries about the band, so when that comes out, I'll definitely fill you guys in. We're also looking to produce another album next year and I'll be on it! WEEEEEE! I'm very excited! 

LAism of the Week:

Maybe this is more human rather than just LA, but this has struck me more here than in Ohio. A culture of self denile. Not because you cannot except that your boyfriend left you, but you cannot eat a chocolate cookie because you have .02 ounces of belly fat that no one else can see that you're trying to get rid of. Personally, I do not want to live if I cannot eat a chocolate cookie. What is the point of life?!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Hello loves,

I love Halloween. I wish I could always dress up like someone else and go out and see other people dressed as someone else. First of all, it's an amazing ice breaker. You can't go up to the hottest guy in the room and just talk to him. No! But if he's dressed as a pirate you can. Not saying that I pulled out all the stops with my ARRRRRs last night. I did make peace with my arch rival, Megan Draper.

O and Ke$ha.

So before I get into my acting life. Here is the opposite! My dad and step mom were here a few weeks ago and we went up to Yosemite. If you are my facebook friend then you've seen these, but they are just too beautiful not to share!

Who Says!?

Yea Clint

From Griffith Observatory

Yay! Family vacations. It was just what I needed. To get out of the city and also look at it's beauty again through the eyes of guests.

Last weekend, I got A-list treatment, almost. I flew back to Toledo (in coach) to film a commercial for Concentrek Group. (Say that 5 times can't!) It was me singing a jingle my step dad wrote and playing it on ukulele. I had a blast! It was a long day on 4 hours of sleep, but I love my job! I flew back to LA on Saturday, after a day and a half because I had work on Sunday and coincidentally, I had been called to do a viral video for the show "The L Word." She called me and asked me to be in it. No audition. Very bourgie, very gorgeous, very A-list. But I didn't make a tree and leave Toledo until after I ate my yearly caramel apple.

 This week has turned out busier than I expected. I got promoted at SoulCycle!! Yay!! I am now a Key Holder, which means I can add to my extensive collection. I have 12 keys on my key ring now...too many people trust me with their things! (j/k I love being trusted. Please don't fire me!) Also, I got a job dog walking! My new pups are so cute and they are bringing so much joy to my life just walking them. Abby and Bella are so cute and so joyful. Abby is a mini schnauzer and Bella is a chihuahua/dachshund mix. This job fills me with happiness and it will help me pay for some acting business of which I need to take care <--- what a great sentence.

Weeee acting! Some goals I want to take steps in accomplishing. Theatrical agent by pilot season/ Casting Director workshops set up to prepare for pilot season. Saving up some money for improv class at UCB. Advancing to Margie's weekend at Margie Haber Studios. With promotion and dog walking I'll be able to save up some funds :)

LAism of the Week:
Diets. Have I brought this up before? Everyone is something...except me. I just eat. Healthy. Most of the time. The other day at work my co-workers were talking about diets. One is a pescatarian and the other used to be paleo but she's working grains back into her diet. Paleo turned to me and said "Cait, what are you?" And I was like... Nothing. And then she declared "That is so not LA!! You have to be something ;)" True. I'm a minority.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Karaoke Professionally a Possibility?

Hello Friends!

Two weeks in a row? What?!

I don't have a ton to report this week because I was dogsitting/my dad and step mom are coming to stay with me on Friday, so acting wise not much has happened. Next week, if the government can get their shiznit together, I will be in Yosemite. Either way, I'm out of LA for a few days and it is going to be glorious and I will post pictures don't you fret.

This week I had a serious revelation. In the last two months in the depth of my stress and my second year in LA beginning, I was having doubts about being here. It's slow going folks, and no one has a straight answer on how to make dreams come true out here. Everyone has a different story. Jack Nicolson was working as an actor for 13 years before he was in Easy Rider. 13 years working as an actor. He had been here longer than that trying to make it just getting bit parts and being told he'd never amount to anything...hahahahahahahahhaha. There are 1,000 stories just like that, so it becomes a numbers game. 10,000 people move to LA every month to try to break into the industry. 9,000 move away. 90% give up. And most don't make it a year. I'm over that hump at least.

The doubt crept in and I started to think. Why am I here? But when I asked myself the question, What else would I rather do? The answer was nothing. I cannot imagine myself being happy working towards anything else. I may be singing a different song in 10 years if I'm not making a living off of acting or singing, but that's 10 years away :)

I auditioned for a game show last Friday called Killer Karaoke! Remember how I mentioned if I could karaoke professionally....well I could!! The competition is 50% audience vote and 50% judged on tone, pitch, and lyric accuracy. The catch is while you sing, they scare you. I was born to win $10,000 on this show. Born. The casting director loved me (his words not mine) and said if the producers like me then we shoot next week, if not he'd try to get me on another game show. O my goodness. $10,000 would help me SO much. Fingers crossed I get called in! And my dad and Karen would get to be audience members!

LAism of the Week:

Parking. If there aren't parking instructions attached to audition information in a part of town I don't know, I consider not going. For example, this morning, I drove all the way downtown to audition to be a spokesmodel for a new car that is coming out and I didn't end up going to the audition because there was no where to park...this is not a usual habit for me. I almost did not get out of bed this morning because I didn't want to go sit in a ballroom at a hotel with 1,000 other actors for hours on end and worry about getting to work on time this afternoon. But parking in LA is awful. When I was dogsitting I had to park on the street and I didn't go anywhere for 3 days except work just because I had a good parking spot. O LA life. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stress. September. Gone.

Hello Blog Readers!

I have been too stressed to write. Why you ask? I honestly cannot answer that question. Wasting too much time probably. When time is wasted, or at least what I view as wasted, it slowly builds up in my brain and then kills me from the inside. The source of most of my anxiety is gone and now normality will hopefully return. Normality. Nothing is "normal" in this line of work which is the beauty of LA.

So a lot has certainly happened.

I work at Margie Haber Studio now as the Sunday girl. Guess what? The kids ain't bad. Most of them are serious actors and mature. They work and I make sure they stay on task for about an hour out of my day. Not too shabby.

I also got through the Intermediate intensive and now I am in the Intermediate ongoing with Courtney Burr. He's an amazing teacher AND he's worked with a bunch of cool people like Joanne Woodward!

I've had auditions here and there all of September. Notably, I was cast as an extra in a Google commercial. Before you tell me how amazing I am, let me explain. I was called back to be a principle in one of the spots and I wrote YES on the sign-in sheet when it asked if I would be willing to be an extra. BRRRRRRTTTT! Wrong answer. My agent called me the night of the callback and I was SO excited, until I answered the phone. He told me I should never say I'm willing to be an extra because if casting boiled down to me and another actor for principle and the other actor said they would not be an extra, they will cast me as the extra and the other actor as the principle. It makes complete sense, I was simply never told that. To make matters more disheartening, the person I was getting drinks with at the time was like "duh" and made me feel like an idiot. Then said person went on to say I can't think of myself as and extra, I need to think of myself as the leading lady. Fair. It's true. I need to inflate my confidence a bit to make it out here. It's not that I don't believe in myself. I do. I just wanted to work so I could pay my bills.

The commercial shot on Monday and the group of extras was fun, luckily, since we were there for 12 hours. Yikes. I was also late for my first ongoing class with Courtney. Boo :( It's okay. Monday paid for half of my rent next month :)

Both of my shows went well at the the August. When I get the video footage from my show with Home I will definitely post the link. Speaking of Home, Dee and Greg asked if I would become a permanent member of the band! Yay! So now I'm in a band and I'm really excited about it. We have some shows coming up this fall in Santa Monica and I will be posting about them regularly. Also check out Home on Reverbnation. We've been trending!

And now the moment you've all been waiting for. BachelorsPadTV on Youtube posted the Literal Enforcer video I took part in. Here it is. O so ridiculous!

In other news, the creative types in my apartment have started meeting once a week to begin collaborating on projects. Our first presentation is a web series called Living Unemployed. Please subscribe and keep a look out! Dotty and I play an interesting role in the second episode.

So, as you know, maybe, my birthday was in September and I celebrated with my friend Brittany at Soop Sok Karaoke bar in Koreatown. We had a blast and a half! I posted some pictures to Facebook, but here's one, just so we can get a taste of September. My favorite month. Gone already.

If I could do karaoke professionally. I might.

LAism of the ... month:

People and their dogs. I'm sure you all know one or two people, not in LA, who treat their pets like human children. I emphasize HUMAN. Here, almost everyone treats their dog this way. I see dogs in restaurants, on buses, in strollers... and I think this week, as I am currently dog sitting, I understand why this phenomenon happens here more than other places. (This may be the same in other big cities as well). Big cities can be the loneliest places on earth. LA definitely falls into this category. I am dog/house sitting right now for my boss and I have decided there is NO WAY I could live on my own here and not have a dog. I need companionship and if a dog is your only companion they become everything in your life. One of my co-workers lives by herself with a dog and she loves him so much she has started spending $250 dollars a month to put her pup in doggy day care where she has to drop him off, pick him up and pack his lunch. This is a common practice in Los Angeles. There are pet hotels everywhere and parks specifically for dogs in many convenient locations. I am just happy to be a dog mama for a few days :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

So Much to do, So Little TIME!

Hello Friends and Lovers!

I have completely lost track of weeks and time and no excuses, I have been a lazy blogger these past few weeks. And I have so much to report. Hopefully I can remember some of it!!

I have been using Google calendar more and more since I started showing up to work half an hour late at the end of July. *fail* My phone automatically synced up the calendar online. You go smart phone! I will use you as a tool for memory now. Good job!

I was cast on a makeover show! I will post the clips as soon as I see them, if I see them. It paid which is amazing! So when Sara Marsh said she wanted to nominate me in high school for What Not to Wear, her dream came true. It was basically that. The casting director called me to ask if I was interested in being on the show. He then proceeded to tell me that I would be myself, but not. I don't think I'm allowed to publish details, but when/if you see the clips, you'll know what was me and what was a complete lie. My first complete lies to America! Yay! *crossing off bucket list* I went in for a fitting on a Wednesday and some wonderful gay black man named Todd, of course, fitted me with me cute little outfits, then Saturday I went to this cool warehouse (where the Mentalist was also filming) and they shot me in the clothes talking to a super model "who picked them out just for me." It was a fun experience! Now you know Ohioans, all of those makeover shows? Fake. All of them. Sorry!

I've had a couple auditions for short films this week and last, notably one about PTSD that went pretty well. My beautiful roommate and I were having a discussion about how we feel about Hollywood now after a year. One of my comments is feeling like I put responsibilities, like work, ahead of acting and I need to get my priorities straight. I had a moment of this last Friday. My commercial agent submitted me for an audition for an almond commercial on Friday morning and I didn't get the notification until late on Thursday evening. I had planned to babysit Friday morning and told my agent that I was shooting and wouldn't be able to make it. He obviously was a little angry and said the casting director would be "pissed" if I wasn't there. So I texted the family that I wouldn't be able to make it and my midwest self felt awful. Us midwesterners do not like to let people down/ break plans/ be unreliable, but I had to tell myself that ACTING is why I'm here. Not babysitting. Really? I was about to put babysitting ahead of my chance at being the new face of California Almonds. I'm crazy.

I was cast in a short that filmed last Saturday. It was a cute little 8 minute piece about a girl who is addicted to online shopping and is a terrible girlfriend and her boyfriend who must really really...really love her. The director is submitting it to a contest of shorts that are done all in one take. Yikes. We did a 14 page script in one take. Ah! I haven't been memorizing huge chunks of dialogue like that since I've been out here, but it came to me pretty easily and we got through it 5-6 times. I think there was a good one in there. I'll post that as soon as I get it too.
All of these promised posts. You guys are getting a taste of how long it takes to get footage.

In other acting news, I got into the work study program at Margie Haber's Studio!!! I'm so grateful and so excited! I will be able to take ongoings for free and intensives at a discount. It will be amazing. I need to workout my acting muscles. They have weakened over these lazy summer months. Guess what I'll be doing? Wrangling children! AH! haha. God must really want me to work with kids. Really badly. Maybe He wants to get me back on the "I'll have children someday" train. Good luck. Not that I don't want kids someday, it's just, the older I get the more I realize what an immense responsibility they are. They are tiny humans, not kids. They aren't a different species. They are so complicated and wonderful and anything you say or do can effect the way they live the rest of their lives. That is mind melting. If I have to watch some kids and make some copies to make my Hollywood dream come true. So be it.

Other than acting and SoulCycle, I have been filling my time with singing. The wonderful magnificent Kevin Stanley and I have a show this Saturday night at the Pig & Whistle on Hollywood Blvd. 9:30pm. $10. Be there. We'll get money! Yay!

I have also been rehearsing for my final concert with HOME which is next Saturday night. Here is the poster.

Be there. I have a 15 minute solo slot :)

Thanks for reading about the last three weeks of my life. :)

LAism of the Week(s):
LA is SO big! My fran Lauren came to visit last week and she got to experience how two of her friends can live in LA for about the same amount of time and have two COMPLETELY different experiences and live in two COMPLETELY different places, but still both be in LA. Her friend April lives in Culver City. Some celebs live there, it's closer-ish to the beach. There is a lot of less touristy things to do. Great restaurants, GREAT karaoke bar. I live in Hollywood. Everything is expensive, SUPER touristy, great bars, Runyon Canyon etc. I work in Brentwood. Small town feel, I know a lot of the other employees of the businesses around Soul, super clean, super expensive, lots of moms. If you don't live in LA, you don't realize how there are 88 (I think) cities in LA County that all count as Los Angeles. That is the same amount of counties in Ohio! Fun facts. LA is so diverse and has so much to offer for any person in any walk of life.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's been a YEAR. Still Searchin'

Hello Friends, Family, and Lovers!

Today is my LA anniversary! One year ago my dad and I stood on Santa Monica pier. I had finally made it to Los Angeles. It has been a roller coaster. I have made so many new friends, new acquaintances, new business contacts, new memories. I feel like I'm finally starting to figure out the adult thing. I'm not any where close to my goal, but I'm just as determined as I was 365 days ago. It is honestly pretty hard to keep going, but I cannot imagine being anywhere else in the world...except for maybe Paris ;) I love LA. It's a beautiful city. There are an infinite number of things to do. An infinite number of dreamers. An infinite amount of heartache. But, an infinite amount of life. Los Angeles makes you, or breaks you, and I can't imagine myself anywhere else.

I had a few auditions this week. The Haunted House one went well :) But everyone in the audition room was great! We just sang a few lines of any happy tune we wanted and then did a Southern Baptist preacher monologue that was spooky. I think I would be a part of a haunted gospel choir, so I wouldn't have to scare people. Yay.

The 90s rollerblading video is up and SO great! CHECK IT OUT!--> SOLAR HEIST SEARCHING

Short again this week, unless you want to hear about my boy drama. What's new?

LAism of the Week:
So many transient beings. "They" say it is hard to make friends in LA. I was blessed by having a super friendly apartment community and great co-workers at my day job. But, so many people move to LA for a year, or five and then leave. It's hard to make friends because so many people just pass through. They are here for a few months and don't find work and leave. They aren't American and they can't get a green card or a work visa and they leave. Money runs out, they leave. LA is a hard nut to crack, but full of amazing people, even if they are only here for a drop in the ocean of time.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fairies and Unicorns

Hello Frans!

Disregard the title. I just couldn't think of a better one.

This week has been rough for whatever reason. Mood swings. Money. Men. And nothing has been super exciting on the acting front. I did some more audience work on the Kris Jenner show. I'm out of the loop, so I didn't know who she (or that she was a woman) until I was on the show. But her coy "kids will be kids" comment about the silliness of the name North West and her fake tan and black hair cued me: the woman who spawned the Kardashians. AHH! All that aside, her show was awesome because not only did we get paid, we got prizes!!!! I'm not allowed to disclose what we received, but watch Kris' show next Monday and you'll find out. One is going to make me gain 5 lbs, but I don't get cast as the bikini girl anyway.

I have an audition next week to get paid $75 to sing at a Haunted House this fall. Dotty is auditioning to be a "scare-er" so fingers crossed we get it and we can carpool!

This morning I spent about three hours f-ing around with Brittany and Mahmoud working on the cups song. Here's a little Vine teaser. I'll put the full video up when Brittany uploads it :)

Vine Teaser-Cups

I was cast to be in a magic show this coming Monday, I'll let you know when that airs so you can see my silly expressions. That's all I've got to say about that.

LAism of the Week:
Part of my work has become to chase paparazzi away from getting pictures of people trying to leave their workout in peace. I don't know how many pictures US Weekly needs of sweaty celebs, but they must be paying the big $ for the photos because these paparazzi are ANNOYING!

Actually wait. This is a mural near where I live. Re-regard the title

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bring on the Men!

Hello Loverlies!

Not too much to report out here in LA.

I had a callback last week for the thing I auditioned for the previous week about the single mom. It went really well, but the casting director called me in for another audition the next day. The first single mom was a mother of a two year old. I could be the mother of a two year old. This guy called me in again, because he liked me so much, for the role of a mother of a 16 year I look like I'm the mother of two boys, one 18 the other 16? Nope. That audition did not go well and I think it hurt my chances for the callback. Thus is life.

I was cast in a music video which should be released within 3-4 weeks, according to the director. The concept of the video is that this magical girl is riding in a vintage car through the streets of LA. As she drives by people they are inspired by her love and peace to pass on love by kissing the first person they see. It was a fun afternoon of kissing a stranger, and I think the video is going to turn out really well. I think it's a beautiful concept. Pass on love.

I have an audition next week for a web series about a girl dealing with the sex change of an ex boyfriend. Should be interesting. Other than that, I'm just trying to save a little change to take some classes to beef up the resume. Still waiting on footage to put a reel together as well. Actor business. What have yous.

LAism of the Week:
So, I am sworn to secrecy about the comings and goings of celebs at my place of employment. I can only say that celebrities think it's cool when they are friends with other celebrities. It was so mind melting! My conversation with said celebrity was so fun and cute. Fingers crossed you'll see me in the tabloids. haha!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Women's Self-Defense Classes Please!

Hello Friends!

First, I forgot to mention that the HOME concert went swimmingly. Our next show is July 27th :)

My week after my staycation started off with a bang. I had three auditions. We'll skip the first for now, but the second was for a short film where I would play a frustrated single mother. The third was a waste of my time. I drove to Burbank to audition for another student film at a school that just really does not produce quality work and I don't know why I keep submitting for their stuff. My friend Brittany gave me a pep talk and told me I'm better than that and I need to bolster my self confidence. Thanks Britt :)

Okay, so this next story is a scary one. And this goes out to all of my LA actresses as a warning and a thank God nothing happened to me. I had an audition for a short film on Tuesday morning and originally I was meeting the director/writer/producer in a park in Echo Park. It's an odd place to have an audition, but it was a public place, so I didn't really think anything of that. Then this person named Robin (so I assumed it was a women) moved it to an address the day before. When I drove up, it was an apartment. I have a hard and fast rule that I do not do apartment auditions especially ones I have submitted myself for and especially in East LA, but I called the number when I was outside. A man answered. This is where I should have said I couldn't make it, but instead I went around to a side gate to be let in. The man who let me in was very creepy. A little shy of 6 feet, long brown hair, scraggly beard and glasses. Not in great shape. And the monologue he sent me to prepare, which he had written, was very odd. I shook his hand and he said, "It's in through that door." Instead of leading me he walked behind me and I was completely on edge. We walked through this back door to a lower level hallway and he said it was the last door on the right. It was not a long hallway, but all the doors were numbered to I thought I was walking past different apartments. I turned into this room, which was a bedroom. No equipment, no crew, no script and it smelled like B.O. He was standing in the doorway and said, "Would you mind undressing for me?" I cannot even imagine what the look on my face was when I turned around. Probably pure terror/fury/shock, but I was ready to fight this guy. My body temperature spiked and I was ready to spray him right in the eyes with my mace. I said "Excuse me?" and he repeated the question. I said, "NO. Is that a part of the role?" As I made my way passed him to get out the back door. He said, "No, but let me show you around." I just said no thanks, I'm going to leave and I walked right out and walk-sprinted to the side gate to get out of the backyard. I didn't hear him follow me out, but he told me to have a safe drive. The sound of his voice scared the shit out of me, so I jumped and turned. He wasn't close to me, so I just went through the door and left. I flagged him on LA Casting first and then I went to the police station. I didn't even know what to call it. Attempted sexual assault? But, the police officer said they couldn't do anything for me. He didn't touch me, or pressure me to do anything. He asked, and I said no. Even if I went under false pretenses. For all my LA ladies; his name is Robin Wyatt Dunn. He often posts short films or feature films on LA Casting. They are no pay gigs that have barely any information. He lives in Echo Park and if want to know his address, if you have an audition there, I know it. Just, seriously, DO NOT GO INTO ANYONE'S APARTMENT. God. I'm so thankful that nothing happened to me and that I'm in good shape to defend myself. Mace is $10 at the Army Surplus Store on Vine and Santa Monica Blvd. Get some.

I'm going to let that story be my LAism of the Week too, because let's face it. A lot of girls out here just want to get famous and they will do that any way they can/ they don't know that "no" is an option. The police officer said to me that I was smart and said no and got out of there, but it's something they call "Couch Casting." It happens all the time. I was shocked because there was no ruse. No money offer, no explanation of a fake project and then asking me to get naked. But he knew exactly what to do not to get in trouble with the law.

Sorry this post wasn't about the glamor of Los Angeles...are any of my posts about that? Next week, I'm sure I will have better news and hopefully some fun stories to tell. I am going to my first California beach front wedding this weekend!! Congrats to Michelle and Ramsey for starting their new life together, in two days!

One last note. My private violin teacher passed away this week from cancer. She was only 63 and the sole caretaker of her elderly mother. Miss Sgro taught me so much. Not just about how to play the violin, but about discipline, setting goals, performance etiquette, etc. She was an amazing violinist, teacher and woman. I miss her.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hello Lovers :)

My parents have been here for the last week, so there isn't much to report. I did go to meet with the pageant people this morning and guess what....they weren't there. I called and the organizer said I should have received an email...I didn't. So, it's next Saturday. The Miss Manhattan Beach adventure continues.

Here are some awesome pictures of me and my folks on their LA visit. We kind of did a Caitlin's LA theme with some things I haven't done because they cost money.

First Stop Venice Beach...

Too Much Crab

The Getty Center

LA Zoo

Thanks for coming to visit Mom and Eric!

Coming up this week, I have an audition on Tuesday for a short film about a terrorist. And I'll be hitting the pavement looking for perhaps another job, so I can live this LA lifestyle.

LAism of the Week:
Traffic dictates your day. I know EXACTLY the times I should not be driving and I refuse to drive then, or at least in a certain direction then. I showed Eric just how awful traffic can be by driving the opposite direction of traffic during rush hour on our way home from the Getty. We went to dinner instead of driving home. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Present Tense

Why hello there! Jumping right in,

I had an audition last week for a medical industrial about allergies in adults and children. Ironically, the kid that was in the Literal Enforcer video of my last post was there on the wrong day and needed a "mom" to read with him so I volunteered. LA is a big city, but a small world!

I had a callback on Sunday for the webseries I auditioned for the previous Sunday. They had me read for three different parts. Two of them were bigoted bitches and the other a sweet art teacher. I loved it! I love putting on the skin of those so different than me. (You guys can guess of which I'm speaking...I hope!)
        This morning I got to miss some audience work to audition with the lovely Brittany Belland and the dashing Mahmoud Osman for a print ad about friends. I think we nailed it! The camera guy was from Ohio and we submitted these pictures...

Come on! How adorable are we? Frans!

This weekend is my first show with HOME. I have a link in a previous post to their music on Reverbnation. Check them out. Also here is our poster! O yea!

As far as regular outside of industry LA life goes, it's been one thing after another. Good vibes sent this way for my roomie who has been struggling with a myriad of issues and my stress worrying about my 210 sister. It's hard to stay present here in LA. Everyone asks you about your plan, what's coming up, etc, etc. Of course one wants to have an answer for these things, but one also needs to realize how beautiful the sunshine is here or how sweet the cupcake is someone leaves behind after a birthday at SoulCycle :)

Last week on one of my days off I read The Alchemist. It was wonderful and such an encouragement. The whole book was about a man who knew his destiny, all he had to do was focus on present moments to lead him to his goal. He was advised:

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” 

I'm going to keep this quote in my back pocket for when I get discouraged or bogged down by the daunting task of becoming a working actor. I don't think anyone moving out here expects that the simple desire to bring entertainment to others and/or change minds and lives through the art of film-making is going to be difficult...but it is.

Create your own work is what I hear very often, but I've become so crazed that I went to interview to be a contestant for the Miss Manhattan Beach pageant. Last Saturday I went to a casting office to sit through a convincing presentation and most of an off dubbed Miss Congeniality, only to have to leave before being interviewed because I was going to be late for work. I ran into work just in time, but not before having a complete meltdown walking though Beverly Hills barefoot with blisters all over my feet holding my heels, dressed to the nines, sobbing on the phone with my mom about this amazing missed networking opportunity. After that spectacle, and convincing myself that it's not worth it anyway, everyone would laugh at me if I said I was doing a pageant, (come on, I am Gracie Lou Freebush.) the coordinator of the pageant called me today and said they have two more days of interviews. They saw me at the presentation and they really want to meet with me. So, yay! My dreams of becoming a pageant queen may still be fulfilled! But really, the networking (and perhaps a little self confidence) I would gain from this would be really amazing.

One last thing I've been doing to survive what we like to call out here, the South Land. Audience work. Some of you may think! Wow, cool! Being in the audience for Ellen or the Price is Right would be so fun...maybe those shows. But did you know Marie Osmond has a talk show? Neither did I! Until I was on it as a seat filler. AH! We sat in chairs clapping like monkeys and laughing like hyenas for 8 hours, without a lunch break and not allowed to go to the bathroom...not worth $66. Marie was VERY nice, but ugh. Working audience on up and coming new ABC Family Spellmageddon was slightly more bearable. Mostly because Dotty and I went together, also because what we were watching was a game show and it was little more entertaining. She also participate in a dance off and I participated in the Dating Game. I was a blindfolded bachelorette and I had a man sing to me, one spoke to me in Russian, but I went with the one who sexually objectified me least. Cuz' that's how I role...We were there for 10 hours. Again, not fed (except for an exorbitant amount of candy that had me sprinting to the bathroom the entire next day). And no bathroom breaks except two hours in, unless we begged. We got overtime and a bump for lunch on that though. Whoot! Obviously it is not too horrible because I was about to do it again today if not for the audition I had earlier. But maybe Dotty will have an entertaining Facebook status about it later. Stay tuned.

LAism of the Week:
I think being a ninja is part of the training in becoming famous...unless you're famous for no reason...Kim Kardashian... Celebrities are very good at being neither seen nor heard. There are a few that will remain unnamed that come into where I work, also unnamed ;). Among these few, there was one actress that I saw on the list 4-5 times before I actually saw her, and only because she was late and I needed to run her in the room. Also this morning I went in to ride, and only recognized that one of my favorites was there because I know exactly what he looks like and how he sneaks in and out. The person I was talking to did not even detect the celebrity presence. Ninjas.

P.S. My mama and step dad are coming to visit this weekend!! I'm so excited!

Friday, June 14, 2013

June Gloom

Hello my lovlies!

Welcome to LA June gloom, where every morning is not the taken for granted sunshiney wonderfulness I have come to expect. Sure, it may be sunny by the afternoon, but the mornings have been cloudy and sad. I attribute my past two weeks attitude to this (and hormones), so to June Gloom I say BE GONE! Life has been pleasant. At least.

To begin, I booked a YouTube short. I know, very exciting!! VERY Professional, Very on my way to being a movie star. But really, this guy is pretty funny. I don't want to give my sketch away, but it goes something like this one. I'm the next installment of THE LITERAL ENFORCER. Don't worry I'll post mine when it's up. It's pretty much like this, just, yes.


I have had a few auditions around town. A short about kickball where I could not say the word "pubescent" for the friggin' life of me during the audition. I had one where I would play three characters. One had a cockney accent! (Thank you My Fair Lady in high school!) This Sunday I have an audition for a web series where I would play a conservative Republican. I'm going to have to dig deep guys. Wish me luck.

I booked a gig singing back up for a band who just released their first album HOME <<check out their album! It pays and Greg and Dee are GREAT! Our first show is June 29th. Details to come!

Lastly, the Margie Haber Beginner Intensive is over. Sad face. But great news! I was one of three moved up to the intermediate from our class of 13! Yay!! But alas, money doth not grow on trees. I'm going to try to apply for their work/study program, but they don't have any openings right now, so I'll have to wait a bit to take the intermediate level. Still, I was extremely pleased by that!

And, HOLD THE PHONE! Did you watch Game of Thrones?! It literally broke me. I audibly screamed and then sobbed through the end of the credits and beyond. I'm sorry. I just had to mention it because of the emotional mountain of sadness I had to clamor down from to get on with my everyday existence after the Red Wedding episode. I just, I had to contribute the voices of internet woe.

LAism of the Week:
Free food is not readily available like it is on Ohio State's campus during all the sunny school months.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Still Kicking

Hello Frans!

So, my last two weeks in LA have been the hardest yet. Emotionally. As many of you know, who follow me and my roomie on Facebook, Dotty's mother passed away a week ago Sunday. For all concerned, Dotty went home to Kentucky, is back and moving along finding jobs and going on auditions like a champ. I love you Dotty!! I missed her so much while she was gone. I don't know what I'd do without her support out here!

Also, my dog Charlie died last Tuesday. Charlie was 14 and he died painlessly from a brain tumor. Charlie has been my best friend for so long and I was surprised how broken I was over seeing him go. The tears have subsided, but I was a mess all last week.

That said, my Margie Haber classes on Tuesday and Thursday last week were extremely difficult to get through and dealing with any sort of frustration at work was a challenge. Last Tuesday night we worked on a scene from Garden State (where Zach and Natalie meet in the waiting room/at the bus stop). Robin, my wonderful teacher, just had to mention that I was quieter that evening for me to burst into tears about Charlie. Thursday was even worse because I was beyond exhausted from crying/working early/taking Dots to the airport/not sleeping well/feeling lonely and we had to do a scene about our mom getting beaten and our character leaving the house. It was way too rough and now I know from watching the footage back that I could have played Charlize Theron from Monster without makeup. In any case, I'll commend this class again for being wonderful. ANYONE WORKING ON AUDITIONING/COLD READ TECHNIQUE SHOULD TAKE THIS CLASS. Do it. I dare you!

I filmed the Lesbian lick two Saturday nights ago. It was hilarious and they paid me $25. Score! I'll post footage of that when I get it.

I sang again last Saturday night at the Lexington downtown with my new do. Here's a video clip :)

I had two auditions on Wednesday. You know you're starting to get a footing in town when you start running into people you know at auditions! I ran into a friend that worked on Wonder Women with me this past winter, so we paired together for the scene. Hopefully the familiarity worked in our favor. I also auditioned for a fake infomercial video about a cure for FOMO. Don't worry, I didn't know what FOMO was either. It is Fear Of Missing Out. The lamer 4 letter acronym of YOLO. If you live like YOLO you won't have to have any FOMO. Duh!
I also have an audition for a backup singing gig tomorrow night before a date :) $75 per show, and that would be awesome, because ramen has a lot of sodium in it.

LAism of the Week:
Something one could never say in Ohio, "While driving down Wilshire Blvd today I saw a Maserati almost slam into a Porsche." What?!

Friday, May 17, 2013

There and Back Again

I'm a blog slacker!!

I could use the excuse that I went home to celebrate my mom's birthday, but that was two weeks ago today...also, Ohio has the internet...

Instead of beating myself up and giving up, here goes another round of LA wonders and magic.

Aqua sent me on a Dominoes commercial where I played a College Student. Yes. Makes a little more sense the Urban Clubber #2. First audition went well. I was a little late so I used my late angst to be the stressed out student studying for French. omg. My college life was over.
Callback! We played developers for Angry Birds this time. So my first suggestion coming off of "action" was to develop a Game of Thrones Angry Birds a la Star Wars Angry Birds which was immediately shot down by my "team." After cut, one of the producers was like, "Wait, before you guys leave, I want to hear more about that Game of Thrones Angry Birds" I was like YESSSS in my head. Didn't book it, but won the office. Which is a victory all to itself. If they like me, they'll remember me for future Angry Bird developing scenarios. Boom. Acting.

Also here is a quick picture of me singing at a blues bar Downtown called The Lexington. Keri Fantastic invited me back, so hopefully I'll have some more future pictures to show as well :)

So just because I'm going to use going to Ohio as an excuse for not being a loyal blogger here are some Ohio pictures for all of you Californians who ask me "What is Ohio like?"
War of 1812 Reenactment
My last two weeks back to LA have been filled with getting myself back on track. I have noticed that when I go away, I don't check my email for auditions or to submit myself for auditions, you know actor things. I also got an inflated sense of what kind of money I have. I threw a great Great Gatsby Party, but forgot that I'm actually kind of a little poor because I had a doctor appointment that was expensive, I paid rent, and paid for the other half of my acting class deposit all the day before I left for Ohio which left me with the paycheck I got when I returned. LA life is not so glamorous when I have to eat ramen for the next few paychecks to get back on track. And I will concerned parents and friends. This is just the truth of the super-fabulous-not-yet-working-actor life.

But the Gatsby party was fun. I'm sure ours was more extravagant than the movie, which I haven't see yet.

Good News though this week! I auditioned for a really quick role in a short film and was cast, Thanks to my LOVELY roommate Dotty! My only line was "can I walk you to your car" and then I have to lick a girls face. Dotty was my reader and my face for my video are a few takes. Neither of these are the one I sent in.

Boom. Acting.

Actual acting is happening in my life...not to say that video isn't acting, but let's not start a debate. I started my Margie Haber Fundamental Intensive this week and, you guys, it feels so SO good to be in front of a camera doing some work. If you haven't heard of Margie or her method, buy her book How to Get the Part without Falling Apart.
On Tuesday we worked on establishing a true relationship with your reader, even if your reader is someone who doesn't even look at you. Today we worked on the "where you came from" before the scene began. Basics, yes, but Margie's technique is so set on "living not acting" that it is a completely new approach for me and helping me a lot. I personally am so tired of the GOAT method and well methods. Especially out here when one does not have 6 weeks to establish a character and 12 performances or more to realize it. Sometimes you only have 15 minutes to create a love relationship, a deep friendship, or being a parent, etc. I love the class so far. I cried tonight during a scene and I wasn't even trying...what? haha.

LAism of the Week:
As fast paced as LA is, everything happens slowly. LA is almost human. Ideas, projects, careers, all develop slowly at their own pace like a human mind developing. Sure some careers are catapulted, but only exceptions to the rule. Just like a traumatic event will change a person over night. Realizing this is helping me, because I don't want to admit it, but I was sure I would have booked one big thing by now. And now I see how silly that was to think. I'm still green and casting directors can smell that a mile away. All I can do it be here, take classes, plant my roots and grow.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Born to be Urban Clubber #2

What Up Lovies!!

So behind! Bah!

I got new head shots...most of them hilarious photos of me talking with my eyes half closed...amazing.
I need pick one!
My resume is revamped, thank you for asking.

In bigger news,
I had my first commercial audition through Aqua this week and I got a call back. This may sound impressive, but let me give you the rundown. Soon you will all know how DIFFICULT acting in LA is...if you call this acting.
I walked into the commercial being called in as an "Urban Clubber." Obviously, this role had me written ALL over it. So I dressed in the most urban thing in my wardrobe (something from Urban Outfitters) and went down to the casting. I signed in and they took us into a room in groups of four. We stood in a line, slated our names, danced as "best friends in a club" for 30 seconds, slated again and left. BOOM. Done.
I was on my way home from Valencia Saturday afternoon expecting my callback to be at 4:30pm. It is 2:36pm and I am a little stuck in traffic on the 5. My agent calls and says, "hey they want you at 3pm." My response was "Well I'm not dressed, I mean I have clothes on, but I'm on my way home from Valencia know what, I'll improvise and make it work. I'll be there as close to 3 as possible. Thanks!"
Touching up my makeup in the car, I put on the sports bra I worked in the night before on under my jean jacket with my leggings on from the day/night/day, un-showered, I waltz into the callback.
They call my name along with 8 others and we walk in, slate in order and are released...finger's crossed they loved the way I said my name. BOOM. ACTING.

I feel like I really embodied being urban in my callback. For sure.

LAism of the Week:
Women wear heels literally everywhere. Grocery shopping. Walking the dog. To work at SoulCycle (not criticizing my ladies, they are high heeled "sneakers.") I understand that my gams look bangin' in high heels, but sometimes the dogs are barking too loud to even get that catwalk going on. I would not be surprised if I saw women wearing heels to hike in Runyon Canyon. When, and yes I say WHEN, I do, I will get a picture and add it to this post. But for now I'd like to start a "Your Feet Probably Hate you, I don't care if they are the most comfortable wedges in the World" Campaign. Or maybe I'm just jealous because my heel collection does not include grocery heels and hiking heels. LA life baby.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello lovers,

This week has been extremely unmotivated. *sigh*

I did shoot a 90's music video for a new friend's song. Roller skating. And I did not fall on my ass. Hopefully, I'll get the video soon and get to post it's fantastic-ness for you all. I met a lot of cool new people and spent time in Venice for the first time. Yippee! 

I did not reformat my resume, or get head shots printed. I did spend a night in a bar singing Take My Breath Away at karaoke which was amazing. I had one awkward audition with a guy that reminded me of my great uncle. And, tonight, I'm probably skipping out on seeing a double feature of From Here to Eternity and The Search because, well, I don't feel like showering and putting on something that makes me look presentable. Not that there is anything wrong with men's shirts and jeans. I love this look. It's comfy. No wonder men seem to like being men.

I'll have plenty of time to reformat my resume tonight if I stay in. At this point the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica might as well be in Ohio. It feels so far away.

I guess this week finally caught up to me. Some days LA feels overwhelming. Some days I want someone to share this experience with and other days I feel like I do not need the distraction. But hell, I'm still a baby. I should not have anything to worry about. But seriously, I feel like I need to at least get my resume done tonight...and maybe some laundry...

LAism of the Week:

SO much to do! SO little time!
Screenings of all the old classics, several times a week. New movies out all the time. Working. Meeting people. Reading. Hiking. Classes. Art Museums. Galleries. Concerts everywhere and even the amateurs sound better than the auto-tuned shit on the radio. (not to down top 40, love it!) It all makes you feel like you should be doing something every second of every day. Learning stuff AND things. It also makes you want to drink and sleep and sit. LA as a city is big, bold and beautiful, and overwhelming. Everyone tells you you're the best, and I'm starting to think it's just because they want me to stay and spend money on their classes, their concerts, their exhibitions, their movies. Not to sound like a downer, I love it here. I'm not moving anytime soon. But this week LA's isms have me overwhelmed.

Tomorrow: Head shots. (FOR FREE! O YEA!)
Goal: Get a good shot that makes me look like the girl next door/best friend

Friday, March 29, 2013

As You Like It

Hello Lovers!

It has been a beautiful week weather-wise in sunny LA!

Acting News:
I was cast in the Shakespeare in the park!! I will be playing Amiens/in the bluegrass band bustin' out my violin skills. I am so excited! Check out City Shakes' Facebook page! I may or may not be on there soon ;)

I have a bit of a sinus allergy damn you grass pollen kind of thing going in my face this week, so I have unfortunately been unmotivated. Reading-yea, running acting errands-not really, getting super psyched about GAME OF THRONES-YES.

By this time next week I really need to:
Update my resume
Get head shots printed
Finish some reading materials
Find a good commercial or branding class
Watch all of Mad Men season 5 for the Mad Men Premier April 7th! (okay...not a need)

LAism of the week:
Background of roommates phone...amazing
This week in LA, I saw three celebrities in one day, but I technically cannot post who they are or where exactly I saw them (because of work;) ), but I wanted to comment on how famous actors are normal people. You may look at me and say....ummmm duh Cait. But seriously, if you ran into Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, or Jessica Chastain (not the people I saw), would you not squeal with delight and maybe get tongue tied and over think every action of theirs and yours and believe that because he/she looked at you, you may be potential soul mates? Don't lie to yourself, you would. So, I just want all of you to know that famous actors are regular people. They sweat (I've seen it) and eat and poop. They poop.

And I am not saying this because now I live in LA and I know SO much better because I see famous people all the time, nope, I still freak out and hope that Jack Black remembers our situation last week at the elevator fondly. Why would he? If I had that moment with any "normal" person, I would not have ever mentioned it happening or noted it as a special event. Maybe this is just a rant to myself. To remind myself that famous people are normal people. They're just normal, like me :) and you :) and they achieved what I want to achieve. Here's to hoping!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jack Black and the Elevator

Hello Again Lovely People!

This week in the City of Angels...

So life stuff, I saw JOE PUG on Saturday at The Mint on Pico. If you know me, you know Joe Pug is my future husband (I hope he never reads this...unless he has a secret crush on the girl wearing the jean jacket and rocking the feather earrings). But really, I have seriously considered getting his album art forever tattooed on my body (still not off the table...I digress). In short, his concert was amazing, as always. Long story though is that he has really inspired me to push myself in all directions. I mean, Rihanna is now a famous actress after starring in that 2012 nugget of gold Battleship. In all seriousness, I am pursuing acting to affect others with a performance like I am affected by great performances in film. I want to give that gift to others, like the gift Joe Pug's lyrics and music are to me. Here is a picture I took last Saturday. Soak up the passion and the inspiration. You're amazing Joe! I might even try to write a little ditty because of you...maybe about you...I haven't slept with your vinyl next to me in bed since last Saturday...too much?

Moving on,
Acting wise, I have been reading a nice little handbook called So You Want to Act in Los Angeles? by Patrick Donahue, nice guy, nerd, aspiring hero, and Virginia Welch. I am a little salty I did not have this when I first moved here last August, so for all you aspiring movie stars...starving actors out there, pay the $4.99 and buy this online book and study it. It is chock full of useful information on how to look and act professional and do it on a budget, or at least within reason. There are SO many people selling actors things: classes, head shots, reels, etc etc etc. This book helps you know how much money is too much money to spend and it spells out step by step what you should be doing to be successful. AND IT'S A LOT OF STUFF. I am truly inspired and ready to set some new goals and get some balls rolling. I've felt like I was floundering for a while now.

Step 1: I have signed up for an acting class with Margie Haber. Since I have not necessarily been booking/being taken seriously enough to be called in to book anything, classes are a good resume builder. Especially with greats like Margie. Her orientation was amazing. SHE talked to us. Not just interns or other teachers, she did. And she seems great. I have also been reading her book How to Get the Part Without Falling Apart. Another great read for all you actors who hate auditions. Read it. I dare you!

Step 2: I will be working diligently on my reel and a possible Facebook fan page (which makes me feel very conceded). Keep me honest people. Ask me about these things. I should be done with them in a few months. A reel is important because it puts me at the top of casting directors lists when I am submitted online.

Also acting related, I am auditioning this Saturday for some Shakespeare in the park. I was given a bit of advice from a director last October not to pay for acting classes, but to do theatre. This has not served me well, hence the registration for Margie Haber, but I keep submitting for theatre pieces because acting a little bit is better than not at all. And exposure, exposure, exposure! So wish me luck. I have to play the violin, guitar, sign and memorize a comedic Shakespearean monologue in less than 24 hours...GO!

Before I end with an LAism of the week, I want to shamelessly plug (and I used both of those words intentionally) my Twitter, caitscorner. It is still developing, but the basic concept is whenever I am tweeting, I am having a bowel movement. I have had TOO MANY conversations with men about how "girls don't poop." We do, and I never want to talk to you again. My Twitter is not only about poop or what I just went through on the toilet. It's usually just what I'm thinking about, or something else interesting on the Internets that I found and wanted to share (that's for the times I had to spend an extended period of time on the toilet and I was keeping myself entertained...too much?) In any case, I know, it's a little gross, but come on. It's hilarious...please don't judge me ;)

For those of you who follow me on Facebook who did not see/hear the explanation of my encounter with Jack Black on Tuesday, let me tell you a tale, a tale of a fateful trip...
So I went to SoulCycle WeHo on Tuesday morning to get my spin on, but sadly/happily, the class was sold out and and I did not get down. With my head hung low and Charlie Brown playing in the background, I headed out and paid two whole dollars for parking and got on the elevator to go down to my car. SoulCycle WeHo shares a courtyard with an Equinox, so it is a great place to see celebs. I have seen quite a few there myself, but usually it does not get this awkward. Let me explain, I was heading down in the elevator to P4. The vator stopped on P3 and opened. A man about my height with long salt and pepper hair and a full on beard in standing outside obviously looking to go up not down. I look at him, look away, and go wait, that's Jack Black. I look at him, he looks at me, I smile and nod and my elevator door closes...and opens again for no reason. Jack Black and I were both a little shocked by this. I think he thought I recognized him and opened the elevator, and I tried to make it clear that I did not open the elevator but without saying anything. He just shook his hands indicating he wanted to go up, not down and I shook my hands and laughed like I didn't know why the elevator doors opened again for no reason, because I really didn't. So the doors closed...AND OPENED AGAIN! Luckily, he was already nestled in the up elevator and did not see my panic as I hit the door close button frantically. Nice to meet you Jack Black.